Members of our 5:30 Mass Contemporary Ensemble reunite each year for Christmas Eve. Check out the photos and a short video of their rehearsal last week!
It seems that the season of Advent has just begun and already it is almost over. Especially with Christmas being on Monday making the Fourth week of Advent the shortest time it can be. Even though the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve fall on the same day, they are two separate liturgical days and are also separate days of obligation. Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent will follow the normal Sunday Mass schedule except there will be no 5:30 pm Mass. Listed here are Mass Times for this weekend.
On Saturday, December 16th, St. Mary's held its first Simbang Gabi Mass. The Simbang Gabi tradition was introduced to the Philippines by the Spanish friars to allow the farmers to hear Mass before going to the fields early in the morning. More...
The Diocese of Worcester recently launched a new Communications Ministry for parishes that includes partnering with eCatholic to provide beautiful, mobile-friendly websites that are also integrated with Flocknote. We are excited to share that we just completed our conversion to the eCatholic platform we hope you like it!
Make Plans to Join Us for Christmas The Christmas Mass schedule will remain as it has been for the past several years with the additional 4:30 pm Vigil Mass at St. John’s High School where there are more handicapped parking spaces and easy accessibility.